How to growng seedlings in the eggshell

Sometimes capricious seeds (bad germinate) or even to germinate. In addition, the seedlings are not very easy to tolerate transplantation, and the search for glasses are always problems. Therefore, many gardeners have come up with to use as containers for seedlings, egg shells, which are stocking all winter.

                                                              what is needed

                                                                - Seeds.

                                                                - Grunt.

                                                                - Eggshell.

                                                                - Pallets from the eggs.

                                                                - Film.

                                                                    what next

Eggshell for planting seeds must be intact and well dried.

In her fall asleep fertile soil, put 1 - 2 seeds and sprinkle on top of loose soil at 1 - 2 cm.

Shell put into containers for storing eggs and covered with transparent film.

CAUTION: Since the amount of soil in the shell is limited, it is necessary to make sure that it does not dry up.

Around the fifth day, when the seeds hatch, you can clear film cover, while continuing to monitor soil moisture.

Another 10-14 days seedlings kept on the windowsill. And when the warm weather, can be taken outside for hardening.

                                           By the time of planting will be strong and stocky.

When planting seedlings in open ground do not need to be removed from the shell, but only slightly clenched in a fist, so that it is cracked, and drop into the hole.

The result - the plants receive additional fertilizer, because in a lot of shell lime. Eggshell reduces the acidity of the soil, improves its structure, increases the efficiency of mineral fertilizers. Seedlings rapidly gaining strength, and gives a great harvest.