How to plant a herb garden in a bottle
Many have seen in shops or at a friend's amazing compositions: flowers growing in Garden in a bottle or sealed glass containers, sometimes several species collected together, and even forming a tiny landscape. At first glance it seems that create such a miracle with his own hands is almost impossible, but then the bonsai were at one time the lot of artists with many years of experience, and the road by walking!
What is a "garden in a bottle"?
The discovery quickly found practical application. In a small glass boxes, called "boxes, Ward", the British began to bring fresh flowers by sea from the colonies. Such mobile teplichku soon gained popularity in England itself - beautifully decorated boxes Ward became fashionable interior decoration. It turned out that they can be grown not only ferns, but also orchids and other exotic species, even the most delicate, the well-being are no longer influenced by the London smog and alien environment.
To date florariumy - is a variety of glass (sometimes plastic) containers that are usually grown exotic plants. "Garden in a Bottle" - a variation of a relatively simple to manufacture florariuma. This garden can be an excellent decoration of any interior, terraces, etc. They always look beautiful and unusual, attract the eye and admired. Flowers grown in glass, will inevitably look more impressive than the same plants in conventional pots. And as a collection of "bottle gardens" - a show at all exotic. In addition, the "garden in a bottle" - it is also a perfect gift for any occasion or celebration.
"Garden in a Bottle" may be open or closed. In fact, surprisingly, in a closed container plants, many feel much better than in a pot. The fact that many of the flowers are grown in a pot - natives of the tropics, accustomed to high humidity. Meanwhile, in our homes humidity is generally low critically - in the winter, the heating season, it is close to a deserted level! In addition, on window sills, where most indoor plants are located, walking cold drafts. Is it any wonder that the gentle "tropikantsy" may feel it does not matter to wither, dry up, not grow ... In a sealed glass container in a greenhouse or teplichke, remains constant and high level of humidity - and, of course, there are no drafts. As for the fresh air, the green plants during photosynthesis reproduce it yourself in ample quantity.
In the open container the humidity level is lower than the lid, but still somewhat higher than the average of the room. Thus, for any plant can be successfully placed in both embodiments.
In fact, the so-called "garden in a bottle" - this is not always the composition is in the bottle: the basis of classical box can Vardaflorariuma steel tank, bank, vase, decorative glass, any glass container attractive form. In any case, the neck or opening of the container must be sufficiently wide to therethrough can be carried out any operation. The narrower neck - so spectacular result, however, and the more difficult the process of production and maintenance.
So, let's talk about how to make a "garden in a bottle" with his hands.
Choosing Plants for a "garden in a bottle"
As for the selection of plants for the "garden in a bottle", here the main criteria - small size and a love of high humidity. Obviously, not too well will feel cacti and succulents. It is not necessary to plant in a bottle plants are prone to active sprawl, rapid growth. It is desirable that the plants should not be too deep root system. Better to choose dekorativnolistvennye plants. Flowering in principle also can be grown in bottles, but in this case it will be difficult to remove the faded flowers - but this should be done, because otherwise they may begin to rot.
Among suitable for growing plants in a bottle can be called, for instance, Fitton. Multiple instances with different colored leaves are simple and will create a very pretty song. Height Fitton - only 7.5 centimeters, so that it can be grown even in very small containers. Low-growing ferns fit (eg Ruddy maidenhair, maidenhair lady's hair, maidenhair wedge, maidenhair , pelleya rotundifolia, pteris Cretan, pteris xiphoid). Pellioniya beautiful with her reddish creeping stems height of about 7 centimeters can also take a worthy place in the bottle. Fit and kriptantus bromelievidny (height up to 8 inches), and precious orchids. Arrowroot reaches 20 inches in height and can become the center of the composition. Other plants that can take a central position (height 20-30 cm) - dracaena Sander, sweet flag cereal (especially decorative variegated variety 'Variegates). Will look good small-leaved forms of ivy and begonias royal. And, of course, a great plant for "Garden in a Bottle" - selaginella Krause, creeping stems with tiny leaves that resemble moss - it can be used as a cover for the soil in the mini-landscapes.
Flowering plants - for example, the miniature violet uzambarskie - it is better to place in the public kindergartens with a wide inlet.
And a tip: do not try to put in the "garden" too many different plants. At excessively tight fit, first, the plants will lose and visually "lost." And secondly, they quickly outgrow a little world of his glass. For bottles or cans is usually enough 2-4 plants for the aquarium - 4-6. It is better to fill the remaining voids picturesque koryazhkami, stones, shells and other decorative elements.
Materials and instrumenty Nastenny florarium
First of all, to create a "garden in a bottle", we need, of course, the actual bottle - or a bank, a pot-bellied cognac glass, aquarium, - any size you choose. If it is a closed vessel, it is important to determine the required height. Do not forget that, in addition to the plants themselves, the vessel must be fit and subsurface drainage layers, and in addition, you should leave some space for the growth of plants.
Materials required - small drainage, soil ready floral, decoration elements. It may be interesting stones, shells, small koryazhki dry, sand, etc. As the drainage can also be used decorative stones.
Composition solution will largely depend on the shape and size of the vessel. In a tall vase or decorative glass, you can simply make a "bouquet" of a number of plants with different colored leaves. In a large aquarium or a bottle laid on its side, you can create a microview. As a "grass" it is easiest to use moss. Note, however, that in conditions of high humidity moss can grow very vigorously, and you may have to periodically remove his surplus. You can bury in the ground a cup or other small container as a "lake", set the toy houses and figurines of people.
You can replace the soil to a hydrogel color - in this case, you do not need no drainage, no special decorative elements. The hydrogel is sold in stores indoor plants and garden tools (typically small packets of dry pellets, you can find them in the departments of fertilizer and soil). It costs quite inexpensive. Creating a "garden in a bottle" using a hydrogel - perhaps one of the easiest options, in addition colored granules transparent gel in the form of beads or crystals look very impressive and unusual. However, keep in mind that the hydrogel over time loses its decorative properties, and should be replaced about once every 5-8 months. In the bottle with too narrow neck to do it would be very problematic. Also, if you are creating a complex composition with many details (for example, in the aquarium), then it will have to reorganize every time you change the soil. So better use of hydrogel-only wide enough cans with a small amount of plants, where all transplant procedures and replacement of soil will be quite simple.
For the preparation of the composition you will also need a number of tools on long stalks - that byloEmkost for "garden in a bottle" can be any. Plants used: Fitton, asparagus, selaginella convenient to work through the neck of the bottle.
Scoop - is necessary for many operations. You can make it out of a small teaspoon, with a wire screwed to a wooden stick-cuttings.
A pair of wooden sticks - with their help we will move the seedlings.
A small sponge, cotton swab or brush, planted by a long stalk - to clean the inside surface of the glass.
Tool for compacting the ground. This could be, for example, a wooden spool of thread out, stalk mounted on the shaft.
A long narrow well-sharpened knife or razor blade, fixed on the handle - to trim the shoots.
Fabrication process
So first of all we place in a clean container for drainage layer thickness of about 1-2 centimeters. After that you should pour a thin layer of charcoal (you can use milled tablets of activated charcoal). Then laid a layer of flower soil 5-7 inches thick.
Ground for bottle pre-kindergarten is desirable to sterilize the shedding of his thick pink solution of potassium permanganate. Pour in a bottle of charcoal and soil is most conveniently through the funnel of thick paper - so you are much less smudge on the inside of the vessel wall.
The soil layer is sealed with a cotton swab mounted on a rod, reel of thread from you or other suitable tool.
Then, using a spoon scoops-dug wells planter. Sami flowers placed in a jar with a pair of long rods. Then, all of the same spoon we fall asleep roots and tamped earth around. Earth after the planter should be evenly moistened with watering can with a long spout.
Now you can spread around the plants decorative stones, seashells, driftwood and other decorative elements.
Most likely in the process of creating the internal composition of the vessel wall a little soiled. They should be cleaned once a small sponge or cotton swab on a long stick. You can close the bottle!
Much easier is the process for creating a "garden in a bottle" with a decorative soil - the hydrogel. To this dried granules are filled with water and maintained for several hours until complete swelling. Granules can use multiple colors should then soaking them separately.
Ready gel is poured into a clean glass container (it can be spread layers of different colors). "Garden in a Bottle" using the hydrogel. Plants: Fitton, plyusch.Rasteniya prepared for planting in the garden, should be cleaned of soil and wash the roots. Using wooden sticks and scoops to land plants in the gel in the same way as in ordinary soil. You can then immediately close the container.
If you have an outdoor garden, it is necessary to monitor the state of the gel. If the pellets began to decrease in size, dry out - a signal the need for watering.
As for care, then most of the time you can not ignore your bottle garden: plants in a tightly closed almost do not need watering. Usually the humidity on the surface of the leaves, is quite enough. Thus, the "garden in a bottle" - almost a self-regulating system.
If the walls of the bottle is going to condensation, it is necessary to lift the cover until it disappears, then re-seal the container tightly. Occasionally, you can open a bottle and spray the plants.
If your garden planted with flowering plants should be removed wilted flowers. Be sure to prune plants that have outgrown the height of the bottle. Excessively overgrown plants will have to be deposited or share. And, of course, you need to wipe the dust from the surface of the bottle - and to light your plants get the right amount, and the kind of aesthetic remained in kindergarten.
Small living world, enclosed in a fragile glass envelope will be very pleasing to the eye for a long time, almost without you attention and care. One has only to decide