mini herb garden - pineapple
-->How to grow a pineapple on the windowsill
for our mini herb garden Take ripe pineapple
The rind of the fruit must also be a golden yellow color
Take in your hand the whole bunch of leaves . Strong turn it and it will come with a small stem.
Truncation method tops
All pieces of flesh adhering to the trunk must be trimmed in order to prevent decay after planting. The cleansing of the flesh should be carefully cut off the bottom of the crown until the root buds ( small dots or circles on the surface around the circumference of the stem ) .
root kidney
Need to cut as little as possible to avoid damage to the beginnings of roots .
Next, you need to remove some of the lower leaves with beam
Clear the 2-3cm barrel pineapple
Also the tops of the base may already be small brown roots. In the future, they will not grow , but to remove or damage them impossible.
After trimming , cleaning , leave the top for a few days to dry before the next step.
This will treat the scars on the tips of the leaves and roots and prevent rotting .
dry the top of the pineapple .
There are various ways on how to make sure that the tip has taken root , but the simplest and most reliable is sprouting roots in water. 3-4 cm should be lowered into the water barrel .
Sprouting roots pineapple
Water must be changed every 2-3 days.
Once roots appear , pineapple must be put in the soil.
The diameter of the pot to be the tops of crown diameter (about 10 - 15cm ) . One must have a hole in the pot.
At the bottom of the pot lay 2-3 cm drainage.
Then fall asleep soil mixture .
Pots ready for planting pineapple
Then disembark top of pineapple in the ground and put on a bright place .
planted pineapples
Watering should be moderate
For a complete rooting require 6 to 8 weeks. During this period should not in any way to accelerate the process , for example, to make fertilizer .
About 2 months pineapple root and must already own to consume water from the soil. Make a quick check : gently tilt the plant, if it resists , then have formed new roots that hold it in the ground, if not resist - the roots are not formed . In the latter case you need to check whether the plant does not rot if visible rot, alas, you need to start the process over again with a new tip of the fetus.
At this stage, the old leaves will wither and die , and new ones to emerge - in the middle of the socket. Over the next year you need to remove the old dried leaves and watered only once a week.
One of pineapples 1 year
Second pineapple 1 year A year need to transplant the plant into a larger pot .
Transplant yearling pineapples
Pineapple blossoms on 3- 4 year (when the leaf length reaches about 60 cm, and the diameter of the base - about 10 cm), but sometimes much later, and then do not bloom at all.
Pineapple inflorescence composed of more than 100 highly fused flowers, which after flowering , clinging tightly to each other to form a stem.
Tubular flowers at the pineapple , dim , change color depending on the light from light blue to dark crimson . Flowering lasts from 7-8 to 10-15 days depending on the variety and growing conditions . The smell of flowers gentle, low-grade , with a typical pineapple flavor.
Subsequently formed flower pineapple fruit complex , assembled from a plurality of hexagons. Once the stem starts to grow , renew nitrogen fertilization . After some time, the fruit becomes amber- yellow color with a typical pineapple aromas and flavors . From flowering to full maturity takes place from 4 to 7 months, depending on the varietal characteristics .
Often the crown prevents full sprawl stems, taking the full force of its development. Here usually offer immediately remove her point of growth. Novice amateur , this is difficult because you can miss the moment nipping . Better to wait until the bloom ends .
But virtually impossible to remove a growth point , because she had one plant and originates from the root collar. So the concept of " growth points removal " conditional . Thanks nipping , growth inhibition occurs the crown . Trimming growth points must be repeated several times. It may be added that the value also depends on the whorls of pineapple varieties .
If pineapple does not bloom every year . After bloom transplanted child socket.
Potting soil for plants made from turf , leaf , humus soil, sand and peat. Before pineapple reaches maturity , it should be transplanted twice : the first time - three months after the separation of basal son , the second time - a year later .
Remember sharp teeth on the leaves of pineapple and all work is carried out in gloves ! Cooking pot for new plants , take care of good drainage . When you sprinkle the roots with fresh earth , Do not pack it too tightly. Before planting, water the plant well , two days after transplanting pineapple keep in the shade, giving him the opportunity to be as root.
Photophilous , especially the variegated forms require direct sunlight. In autumn and winter , it is desirable to highlight the pineapple plant for 8-10 hours a day at a distance of about 20 cm is best to use fluorescent lamps . Per adult plant , only one lamp LB- 20.
When growing pineapple on the windowsill is not recommended to rotate : slowing growth. It is quite normal to develop biased coverage . Indicator of good lighting plants are large standing leaves, pale crimson tips of young leaves . Those who do not have the ability to have plants on the sunny side , we propose to use additional lighting throughout the year. With the only difference that the supplementary lighting enough for summer 4-5 hours
During warmer months, rosette of leaves should be permanently filled with water to 2/3 . 1 water changes every 2 months . Take care that the soil in the pot between waterings necessarily have time to dry. Water for irrigation should be soft , better rain , certainly warm .
During the main summer growing season the plant requires abundant soil moisture . When watering in summer watching to earthen room is fully saturated with moisture between waterings but he has enough dry. Water for irrigation taken daily after settling or boiled . Tap water and boiled best acidified to pH = 5 .
Water can be acidified with sulfuric , citric or oxalic acid. Experience shows that despite the soil temperature and the ambient air, the ground should be watered with water, heated to 30 ° C 35 .
In winter, the soil temperature drops significantly on the windowsill . Sometimes it reaches 13 ° C 15 and pineapple slows its growth when the soil temperature is 20 oC. At this time, it is necessary to completely stop watering.
air humidity
Needs regular spraying , especially in winter when the temperature is high. Summer pineapple spray twice a week in the winter time in seven days.
Do not like to stand on the cold floor or windowsill. Pineapple likes warm , especially in winter : the ideal temperature to 18-21 ° C. It To get radical offspring , keep the plant in a slightly cramped pot at a temperature 5 ° C below this .
The maximum temperature for pineapple is 25 ° C. Plants to develop normally in adverse times , arrange display sill and the temperature of the soil within 22 +23 oC.
Recommended soil mixture : 3 parts sod land , 1 part humus and one part sand. Good soil mix for orchids. Good drainage - a condition fundamentally necessary for the normal growth of pineapple.
Almost plant grows well in any dish. For pineapple is better to take a short, but wide in diameter pot . This form corresponds to a singularity of the plant: its root system is located in the upper layer ochvy and goes deep down .
Wide utensils promotes better soil aeration , which is very important for this culture. It is interesting to note that in a natural habitat , each plant has two tiers of pineapple roots.
The first consists of fine roots , and situated almost at the surface of the soil. The second includes radially thin roots reaching deep into the soil at 1-1.2 m roots in pineapple may also be formed in the leaf axils .
Under favorable conditions, axillary roots grow strongly , reaching the soil . At home, growing pineapple and bunk root system , no education axillary roots almost not observed.
In large rooms , where space permits , large specimens are transplanted into broad enamelled tanks . Plant develops a strong root system , so that in such conditions it is possible to obtain the fruits weighing up to 1.5 kg .
Lifelong pineapple requires enhanced nutrition , especially nitrogen it needs as it is a herbaceous plant . Depending on how fast pineapple score a lot of green and takes the form of large, mature plant ripened , prepare it to fruit . During the active growing season every 15 days infusion of mullein plants fed .
Preparing a solution of the traditional . Bucket ( 10 liters ) 1/3 filled with manure , pour the remaining amount of warm water. Within 3-5 days the solution was stirred periodically . After fermentation has stopped ( 10-12 days) in the bucket , water is added at the rate of 1:8. Other fertilizers prior to fruiting may not be used , since the slurry contains all the basic elements of nutrition and micronutrients .
With proper care and regular pineapple it grows well indoors . Many fans complain that pineapples grow big , beautiful plants , but no fruit . I must admit that for fruiting pineapple at home requires stimulation .
Even in areas of natural habitat culture plantations , planting sprayed several times to stimulate sodium - naphthyl acetic acid. However, a more effective way to stimulate the processing plants recognized plantations acetylene. Step acetylene , moreover, contributes to improving the quality of the fruit. However, experiments have shown that treatment with acetylene can not be held earlier than 3 months after application to the soil nitrogen fertilization .
At home, the stimulation is carried out only after the plant has emerged : the length of adult leaves 60-70 cm , thickness of the trunk at the base of 6 to 10 cm in a position to be effective stimulation .
There are several recipes. The proven way to stimulate based on the use of carbide . Piece carbide ( 10-15 g ) is lowered into the jar (1 L ) with water . An immediate effervescence acetylene. Upon termination of the reaction is an aqueous solution of acetylene with a small residue on the bottom , 20-30 ml of this solution was poured into the funnel leaf which is located inside the growing point .
The same operation is repeated for the next day using the same solution was prepared . Pineapples can stimulate only during the warmer months when the plants on the windowsills need no additional heating of the soil , no artificial supplementary lighting .
According to another method of stimulation, causing blooms prepared plant cover large plastic bag . By putting the package jar (0.5 L ) with water . Every day in the water is lowered carbide piece ( 5 g). That hour begins active selection of acetylene.
Must make sure that the package was pressed tightly to the pot and highlighted acetylene would not volatilized from it. The operation is repeated for 3 consecutive days .
Many fans stimulate flowering pineapples by fumigation smoke. However, both ways of the past are less effective than pouring an aqueous solution of acetylene in the center rosette of leaves .
1,5-2 months after stimulation appears spike coming out of the center of the plant. At this time, it is necessary to very carefully watch the pineapple. At first, the tip of the flower stalk has a pale -green color with light crimson border. If you do not violate the agronomic practices , the peduncle ( arrow ) grows very quickly.
Pruning the plant is not needed ; remove only the damaged part or dried leaves , cutting them with sharp scissors , without affecting healthy tissue. To clean , wipe the leaves with their dust with a soft cloth , then wipe with a sponge dipped in water at room temperature.
Do not use drugs to impart gloss leaves . Pineapple is tolerant to different conditions of detention , not only tolerates cold drafts .
Seeds, suckers , nadplodnoy rosette of leaves .
Pineapple seeds from small , size 1,5 x 4,0 mm, yellow-brown , serpovidnoizognutye . They are extracted from well -ripened fruit is washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate pink and dried in air. Substrate for sowing seeds can serve as ground sheet , softwood , or a mixture of equal parts of peat soil and sand . While the seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, the settled water is poured on top and cover with clear plastic or glass.
Sowing is placed in a very warm room (temperature should not fall below 20 ° C). The room temperature affects the speed of the onset of germination. At a temperature of 20-24 ° C germination occurs and a half months , at 25-27 ° C - 20-25 days , and at 30-35 ° C in 15-20 days appear first sprouts. Seeds germinate pineapple disjointed , at different times. Thus, the germination of some seeds may take 5-7 months or more.
Care of seedlings reduced to regular watering and spraying . Twice a month, making fertilizing watering solution fertilizer or poultry manure at the rate of 15-20 g per liter. On hot days the young plants pritenyayut from sunlight.
Upon reaching the leaves 6-7 cm seedlings dive into the soft substrate . It is made from equal parts of leaf , turf, peat , humus soil and sand with a small amount (about 5 % of the total substrate) of charcoal. In addition, the plants should be gradually accustomed to more dry air , systematically opening the film cover.
Like all bromeliads , rosette plant dies after flowering and fruiting . By this time, pineapple forms 2-3 basal offspring. They are the easiest to propagate the plant . Do not separate them from the mother plant until it leaves and inflorescence completely die out . Processes to this growth has been achieved half of its " parent".
Sharp knife otrezhte process with roots from the parent plant . It should have a separate little roots , otherwise will not grow. Put a young plant in a small pot , gently crimp the ground at the base and pour well . Cover the pot with a plastic bag on the arc support. Maintain the temperature of 24 ° C.
Remove every package at 5 minutes , but do not let the soil dry out. When will the new center of the rosette leaves , remove the package.
Diseases and pests
Spider mite infestation (with dry air ) , mealybugs , scale insects ( on leaves and stems appear brown patches) , aphids , phylloxera .
Treatment plant can help with soapy water and washing the warm spray aktellik ( 1-2 ml per liter of water).
Drying up of pineapple leaves
Reason: a little too hot in the room and the plant is not enough moisture . Water and spray it regularly. Move the pot to a cooler place .
Pale color of leaves
The reason : a sign of lack of light. Put the pot closer to the window .
The tops of the leaves become brown and dry up .
Reason: probably not enough humid indoors. Spray the plant and increase the humidity in the room .
Grows slowly and does not bloom .
Reason: lack of probable cause necessarily podkarmite power plant.
Shrink , sag and twist the lower leaves .
Reason: it is a sign of destructive drafts. Place the pot in a sheltered spot .
Rots at the base of the plant .
Cause: The probable cause of soil moisture , but the room is too cold. Transfer the pineapple to a warmer and better ventilated room , a little dry land . If the rot spreads above , the plant will die.
Rosette of leaves loose and falling to the side :
The reason could also be the lack of light.
-->How to grow a pineapple on the windowsill
for our mini herb garden Take ripe pineapple
The rind of the fruit must also be a golden yellow color
Take in your hand the whole bunch of leaves . Strong turn it and it will come with a small stem.
Truncation method tops
All pieces of flesh adhering to the trunk must be trimmed in order to prevent decay after planting. The cleansing of the flesh should be carefully cut off the bottom of the crown until the root buds ( small dots or circles on the surface around the circumference of the stem ) .
root kidney
Need to cut as little as possible to avoid damage to the beginnings of roots .
Next, you need to remove some of the lower leaves with beam
Clear the 2-3cm barrel pineapple
Also the tops of the base may already be small brown roots. In the future, they will not grow , but to remove or damage them impossible.
After trimming , cleaning , leave the top for a few days to dry before the next step.
This will treat the scars on the tips of the leaves and roots and prevent rotting .
dry the top of the pineapple .
There are various ways on how to make sure that the tip has taken root , but the simplest and most reliable is sprouting roots in water. 3-4 cm should be lowered into the water barrel .
Sprouting roots pineapple
Water must be changed every 2-3 days.
Once roots appear , pineapple must be put in the soil.
The diameter of the pot to be the tops of crown diameter (about 10 - 15cm ) . One must have a hole in the pot.
At the bottom of the pot lay 2-3 cm drainage.
Then fall asleep soil mixture .
Pots ready for planting pineapple
Then disembark top of pineapple in the ground and put on a bright place .
planted pineapples
Watering should be moderate
For a complete rooting require 6 to 8 weeks. During this period should not in any way to accelerate the process , for example, to make fertilizer .
About 2 months pineapple root and must already own to consume water from the soil. Make a quick check : gently tilt the plant, if it resists , then have formed new roots that hold it in the ground, if not resist - the roots are not formed . In the latter case you need to check whether the plant does not rot if visible rot, alas, you need to start the process over again with a new tip of the fetus.
At this stage, the old leaves will wither and die , and new ones to emerge - in the middle of the socket. Over the next year you need to remove the old dried leaves and watered only once a week.
One of pineapples 1 year
Second pineapple 1 year A year need to transplant the plant into a larger pot .
Transplant yearling pineapples
Pineapple blossoms on 3- 4 year (when the leaf length reaches about 60 cm, and the diameter of the base - about 10 cm), but sometimes much later, and then do not bloom at all.
Pineapple inflorescence composed of more than 100 highly fused flowers, which after flowering , clinging tightly to each other to form a stem.
Tubular flowers at the pineapple , dim , change color depending on the light from light blue to dark crimson . Flowering lasts from 7-8 to 10-15 days depending on the variety and growing conditions . The smell of flowers gentle, low-grade , with a typical pineapple flavor.
Subsequently formed flower pineapple fruit complex , assembled from a plurality of hexagons. Once the stem starts to grow , renew nitrogen fertilization . After some time, the fruit becomes amber- yellow color with a typical pineapple aromas and flavors . From flowering to full maturity takes place from 4 to 7 months, depending on the varietal characteristics .
Often the crown prevents full sprawl stems, taking the full force of its development. Here usually offer immediately remove her point of growth. Novice amateur , this is difficult because you can miss the moment nipping . Better to wait until the bloom ends .
But virtually impossible to remove a growth point , because she had one plant and originates from the root collar. So the concept of " growth points removal " conditional . Thanks nipping , growth inhibition occurs the crown . Trimming growth points must be repeated several times. It may be added that the value also depends on the whorls of pineapple varieties .
If pineapple does not bloom every year . After bloom transplanted child socket.
Potting soil for plants made from turf , leaf , humus soil, sand and peat. Before pineapple reaches maturity , it should be transplanted twice : the first time - three months after the separation of basal son , the second time - a year later .
Remember sharp teeth on the leaves of pineapple and all work is carried out in gloves ! Cooking pot for new plants , take care of good drainage . When you sprinkle the roots with fresh earth , Do not pack it too tightly. Before planting, water the plant well , two days after transplanting pineapple keep in the shade, giving him the opportunity to be as root.
Photophilous , especially the variegated forms require direct sunlight. In autumn and winter , it is desirable to highlight the pineapple plant for 8-10 hours a day at a distance of about 20 cm is best to use fluorescent lamps . Per adult plant , only one lamp LB- 20.
When growing pineapple on the windowsill is not recommended to rotate : slowing growth. It is quite normal to develop biased coverage . Indicator of good lighting plants are large standing leaves, pale crimson tips of young leaves . Those who do not have the ability to have plants on the sunny side , we propose to use additional lighting throughout the year. With the only difference that the supplementary lighting enough for summer 4-5 hours
During warmer months, rosette of leaves should be permanently filled with water to 2/3 . 1 water changes every 2 months . Take care that the soil in the pot between waterings necessarily have time to dry. Water for irrigation should be soft , better rain , certainly warm .
During the main summer growing season the plant requires abundant soil moisture . When watering in summer watching to earthen room is fully saturated with moisture between waterings but he has enough dry. Water for irrigation taken daily after settling or boiled . Tap water and boiled best acidified to pH = 5 .
Water can be acidified with sulfuric , citric or oxalic acid. Experience shows that despite the soil temperature and the ambient air, the ground should be watered with water, heated to 30 ° C 35 .
In winter, the soil temperature drops significantly on the windowsill . Sometimes it reaches 13 ° C 15 and pineapple slows its growth when the soil temperature is 20 oC. At this time, it is necessary to completely stop watering.
air humidity
Needs regular spraying , especially in winter when the temperature is high. Summer pineapple spray twice a week in the winter time in seven days.
Do not like to stand on the cold floor or windowsill. Pineapple likes warm , especially in winter : the ideal temperature to 18-21 ° C. It To get radical offspring , keep the plant in a slightly cramped pot at a temperature 5 ° C below this .
The maximum temperature for pineapple is 25 ° C. Plants to develop normally in adverse times , arrange display sill and the temperature of the soil within 22 +23 oC.
Recommended soil mixture : 3 parts sod land , 1 part humus and one part sand. Good soil mix for orchids. Good drainage - a condition fundamentally necessary for the normal growth of pineapple.
Almost plant grows well in any dish. For pineapple is better to take a short, but wide in diameter pot . This form corresponds to a singularity of the plant: its root system is located in the upper layer ochvy and goes deep down .
Wide utensils promotes better soil aeration , which is very important for this culture. It is interesting to note that in a natural habitat , each plant has two tiers of pineapple roots.
The first consists of fine roots , and situated almost at the surface of the soil. The second includes radially thin roots reaching deep into the soil at 1-1.2 m roots in pineapple may also be formed in the leaf axils .
Under favorable conditions, axillary roots grow strongly , reaching the soil . At home, growing pineapple and bunk root system , no education axillary roots almost not observed.
In large rooms , where space permits , large specimens are transplanted into broad enamelled tanks . Plant develops a strong root system , so that in such conditions it is possible to obtain the fruits weighing up to 1.5 kg .
Lifelong pineapple requires enhanced nutrition , especially nitrogen it needs as it is a herbaceous plant . Depending on how fast pineapple score a lot of green and takes the form of large, mature plant ripened , prepare it to fruit . During the active growing season every 15 days infusion of mullein plants fed .
Preparing a solution of the traditional . Bucket ( 10 liters ) 1/3 filled with manure , pour the remaining amount of warm water. Within 3-5 days the solution was stirred periodically . After fermentation has stopped ( 10-12 days) in the bucket , water is added at the rate of 1:8. Other fertilizers prior to fruiting may not be used , since the slurry contains all the basic elements of nutrition and micronutrients .
With proper care and regular pineapple it grows well indoors . Many fans complain that pineapples grow big , beautiful plants , but no fruit . I must admit that for fruiting pineapple at home requires stimulation .
Even in areas of natural habitat culture plantations , planting sprayed several times to stimulate sodium - naphthyl acetic acid. However, a more effective way to stimulate the processing plants recognized plantations acetylene. Step acetylene , moreover, contributes to improving the quality of the fruit. However, experiments have shown that treatment with acetylene can not be held earlier than 3 months after application to the soil nitrogen fertilization .
At home, the stimulation is carried out only after the plant has emerged : the length of adult leaves 60-70 cm , thickness of the trunk at the base of 6 to 10 cm in a position to be effective stimulation .
There are several recipes. The proven way to stimulate based on the use of carbide . Piece carbide ( 10-15 g ) is lowered into the jar (1 L ) with water . An immediate effervescence acetylene. Upon termination of the reaction is an aqueous solution of acetylene with a small residue on the bottom , 20-30 ml of this solution was poured into the funnel leaf which is located inside the growing point .
The same operation is repeated for the next day using the same solution was prepared . Pineapples can stimulate only during the warmer months when the plants on the windowsills need no additional heating of the soil , no artificial supplementary lighting .
According to another method of stimulation, causing blooms prepared plant cover large plastic bag . By putting the package jar (0.5 L ) with water . Every day in the water is lowered carbide piece ( 5 g). That hour begins active selection of acetylene.
Must make sure that the package was pressed tightly to the pot and highlighted acetylene would not volatilized from it. The operation is repeated for 3 consecutive days .
Many fans stimulate flowering pineapples by fumigation smoke. However, both ways of the past are less effective than pouring an aqueous solution of acetylene in the center rosette of leaves .
1,5-2 months after stimulation appears spike coming out of the center of the plant. At this time, it is necessary to very carefully watch the pineapple. At first, the tip of the flower stalk has a pale -green color with light crimson border. If you do not violate the agronomic practices , the peduncle ( arrow ) grows very quickly.
Pruning the plant is not needed ; remove only the damaged part or dried leaves , cutting them with sharp scissors , without affecting healthy tissue. To clean , wipe the leaves with their dust with a soft cloth , then wipe with a sponge dipped in water at room temperature.
Do not use drugs to impart gloss leaves . Pineapple is tolerant to different conditions of detention , not only tolerates cold drafts .
Seeds, suckers , nadplodnoy rosette of leaves .
Pineapple seeds from small , size 1,5 x 4,0 mm, yellow-brown , serpovidnoizognutye . They are extracted from well -ripened fruit is washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate pink and dried in air. Substrate for sowing seeds can serve as ground sheet , softwood , or a mixture of equal parts of peat soil and sand . While the seeds are immersed in the soil to a depth of 1-2 cm, the settled water is poured on top and cover with clear plastic or glass.
Sowing is placed in a very warm room (temperature should not fall below 20 ° C). The room temperature affects the speed of the onset of germination. At a temperature of 20-24 ° C germination occurs and a half months , at 25-27 ° C - 20-25 days , and at 30-35 ° C in 15-20 days appear first sprouts. Seeds germinate pineapple disjointed , at different times. Thus, the germination of some seeds may take 5-7 months or more.
Care of seedlings reduced to regular watering and spraying . Twice a month, making fertilizing watering solution fertilizer or poultry manure at the rate of 15-20 g per liter. On hot days the young plants pritenyayut from sunlight.
Upon reaching the leaves 6-7 cm seedlings dive into the soft substrate . It is made from equal parts of leaf , turf, peat , humus soil and sand with a small amount (about 5 % of the total substrate) of charcoal. In addition, the plants should be gradually accustomed to more dry air , systematically opening the film cover.
Like all bromeliads , rosette plant dies after flowering and fruiting . By this time, pineapple forms 2-3 basal offspring. They are the easiest to propagate the plant . Do not separate them from the mother plant until it leaves and inflorescence completely die out . Processes to this growth has been achieved half of its " parent".
Sharp knife otrezhte process with roots from the parent plant . It should have a separate little roots , otherwise will not grow. Put a young plant in a small pot , gently crimp the ground at the base and pour well . Cover the pot with a plastic bag on the arc support. Maintain the temperature of 24 ° C.
Remove every package at 5 minutes , but do not let the soil dry out. When will the new center of the rosette leaves , remove the package.
Diseases and pests
Spider mite infestation (with dry air ) , mealybugs , scale insects ( on leaves and stems appear brown patches) , aphids , phylloxera .
Treatment plant can help with soapy water and washing the warm spray aktellik ( 1-2 ml per liter of water).
Drying up of pineapple leaves
Reason: a little too hot in the room and the plant is not enough moisture . Water and spray it regularly. Move the pot to a cooler place .
Pale color of leaves
The reason : a sign of lack of light. Put the pot closer to the window .
The tops of the leaves become brown and dry up .
Reason: probably not enough humid indoors. Spray the plant and increase the humidity in the room .
Grows slowly and does not bloom .
Reason: lack of probable cause necessarily podkarmite power plant.
Shrink , sag and twist the lower leaves .
Reason: it is a sign of destructive drafts. Place the pot in a sheltered spot .
Rots at the base of the plant .
Cause: The probable cause of soil moisture , but the room is too cold. Transfer the pineapple to a warmer and better ventilated room , a little dry land . If the rot spreads above , the plant will die.
Rosette of leaves loose and falling to the side :
The reason could also be the lack of light.