mini herb garden Window garden
Window garden
Window Garden - a vertical hydroponic system that allows for a whole year to grow plants on virtually any screen. Due to the design, plants use sunlight coming through the window, the room warm and organic "liquid soil." Root systems are growing very tight, so the farm does not take up much space.
The result - the harvest year-round, organic food, saving money plus psychotherapy.
Nutrient-rich water with the air pump is supplied from a tank located at the bottom to the very top of the system. From there it goes down the roots down. Nutrients and water were not digested, collected in the reservoir and then re-directed by the air pump to the plants. Supply system is fully automated. It is easy to configure and does not require much power. If desired, it can be switched on and off by a timer, because for most of the plants will be sufficient if the system will work for fifteen minutes in an hour. Thanks to the constant water circulation system suitable for use of liquid organic nutrients.
Despite the outward simplicity, on the window farms can grow almost any vegetable except for root vegetables (such as potatoes or radish) or too large plants like corn or wheat.
Kale - a rich source of iron. Little-known in the Russian variant of cabbage, cabbage head is not formed. In the food consumed leaves, often with curly fringe. The leaves of some species are green, and then it is called gryunkol, while the other leaves purple hues, then it is called kale. Kale can really spice up your farm in a different color. Sun-loving, prefers high humidity.
Lettuce is rapidly losing the nutrients and taste after his pluck from the plant, so the sooner it is used in the preparation of food, the better. Lettuce source of many valuable substances, especially vitamins B1, B2, B6, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP and E. Solntselyubiv, prefer high humidity.
Strawberries. For growing on a window farm is very suitable remontant grade. They can provide a continuous harvest throughout the year. First remontant varieties produce berries after 1,5 - 2 months after planting. For the formation of berry bushes must be artificially pollinated. It's enough to shake the plant or sometimes carry pollen brush. Light-requiring, prefers moderate humidity.
Basil can grow to gigantic proportions. The ancient Romans believed basil symbol of fertility, love, and family well-being. Prefers moderate light and high humidity.
Chamomile flowers will add to your garden, and you will get a fragrant tea from its leaves. He likes a moderate or strong sunlight. Prefers low or high humidity.
Herb Stevia or honey is used as a natural sweetener. He likes a moderate or strong sunlight, prefers high humidity.
Peas are easy to grow, fast growing and pleasant to the taste. His views and the fruits of pleasure for you and your children. And its fine for its varieties of colorful flowers will delight your eyes. Prefers moderate sunlight and moisture.
Sage - fragrant plant is often used in cooking. Some home farmers dried sage and make incense. Solntselyubiv, prefers a small or moderate watering
Dill - one of the easiest plants to grow. Solntselyubiv, prefers moderate to high humidity.
Watercress growing fast - just two weeks after planting, you can use it for cooking. It grows well even in low sunlight, prefers moderate to high humidity.
Leaf beet or chard. This plant is rich in nutrients, easy to grow and with the bright cheerful colors stems add to the window and vitamins farm to your table. He likes a moderate or strong sunlight, as well as moderate to high humidity.
Pumpkin. It is better to plant a plant after you've already got some experience of growing plants. It can grow to a relatively large size, however it will take several months. Sun-loving, prefers moderate humidity.
Instructions for making a simple window farm.
For the manufacture of the simplest and cheapest vertical farm, consisting of only one column will take about an hour.
Materials needed:
You can find a home:
* 3 plastic bottles of 1.5 liters
* 1 plastic bottle for 5 liters
* Roll of twine
* Nail or screw
* Duct tape, paint or thick cloth
* Large cable tie
* Water
* 3 plants with purified from the ground roots or seeds
Need to buy a sports shop:
* Two air needle - the pump / pump adapter
Need to buy a home appliance store:
* 1 reinforced hose - outside diameter of 9.5 mm, internal diameter 6.35 mm
* 2 vinyl hose - outside diameter of 6.35 mm, internal diameter 3.17 mm
* 1 Hose - outer diameter 9.5 mm, internal diameter 6.35 mm
* Rod length of 1 meter
* Roll of plumbing tape
Need to buy in the store, which specializes in the sale of hydroponic goods:
* 3 pot for hydroponic systems with a diameter 7.5 cm
* 3 cubes of rock wool to support the planted trees
* 5 liters of filler of large clay granules for potted plants
* 1 p. bottle of nutrients for plants
Need to buy a pet store:
* 2 sides of the aquarium air pump 400 liters. with two one-way air valves
* Paint a knife or scissors
* Paper cut-out stencil
* Marker
Step 1: Gather all the necessary items to make a farm.
Step 2: Using the cover of one of the bottles 1.5 liters as a stencil, draw a marker in the center of the bottom of each bottle 1.5 liters circle, and then use a paint knife, carefully cut it in each of the three bottles.
Step 3: Print out the last page of the document here. There draw a circle that needs to be cut and used as a stencil. Apply it on the bottom (just below the center of an imaginary bottle) of each of the bottles and outlining marker, cut with a knife paint, the resulting circle on each of the three bottles.
Step 4: Now it is necessary to cut a hole in a 5 l. bottle out of the water. Take a cup and, having drawn with the help of her circle, cut it to the top of the bottle, as shown in the figure.
Step 5: The upper part of polutoralitrovye bottle, which has now become its bottom, shut off sunlight to the roots of the plants were not involved in photosynthesis. For this purpose, you can use paint, a thick cloth or opaque tape (we recommend the latter). Wrap it around the bottle neck, and from about the middle.
Step 6: Once you've wrapped all the bottles, they can begin to connect with each other by means of slotted holes earlier - insert the neck of a bottle into another cut hole, the neck of which, in turn, insert the cut hole in the bottom of the third. Using a long cable tie fasten the resulting structure of the three polutoralitrovye bottles, rods (1 m) and a rubber air hose 1 meter 40 cm and an inner diameter of 9.5 mm.

Step 7: Now you need to connect the pump to the air hose. To do this, we need to insert in our two air hose needle. For this purpose, both sides of the hose departing 6.5 cm from the bottom, it is necessary to make holes, then to introduce the air therethrough needles in step 8.
Step 8: Cut the hose adapter and pump to the required length (see the list of materials needed). Put the hose adapters for the hoses to the pump half, as shown in the figure. Then, insert the hose adapters air needle, pre-wound their bases plumbing tape that they are firmly in the tube adapter. To improve the seal section you can wrap the joints hoses additional layer germolenty. After this, insert the needle into the air air tube and attach it with cable ties to the bar.
Make sure that the air inlet pipe straight down, and she runs parallel to the rod. If the air tube begins to curl, use the optional cable tie to secure it. Ideally, the entire pipe shall be so fixed vertically straight, as far as possible. Cut the bottom tip of the tube at an angle as shown in the figure, the water is better absorbed into the tube. Then, insert the rod together with the hoses and a ventilation pipe to 5 liter bottle (the tank) and make sure the very bottom of the neck attached to the rod polutoralitrovye bottles went into the neck of the tank.
Step 9: Now fold the upper tip of the air tube and insert it into the bottom of a cut in the top polutoralitrovye bottle opening. Make sure that the air tube hole straight down. Now attach the tubing to the air pump. Then fill the tank with water to test the system. When you turn on the pump small amounts of water have to start up the air tube to the top polutoralitrovye bottle and then flow down into the tank through a system of nested bottles. After making sure that the system works, you can pour the solution into the reservoir of nutrients.
Nutrient reservoir should be filled as otherwise air will not circulate in the system. If you want to use a different size of the tank container - make sure it is deep enough.
Step 10: Place the plants in pots covered with a filler for hydroponic systems. You can use, as we have grown in the soil, young plants, previously thoroughly cleansed their roots from the soil and dirt that can clog your system, or to plant seeds and grow a plant directly into the hydroponic system. If you plant seeds, during the first week passed through the system clean water without nutrients. If you have already planted mature plants - leave them on the first few days in a dark room, then they will find it easier to recover from the transplant, and their root systems are easier to adapt to new conditions. Place the pots with plants in the cut you in every bottle opening. Then turn the system so that in plants the incident solar light and turn the pump. Setting your mini garden on the window over.
Water and electricity - are incompatible. Before you start a garden, make sure that all joints are insulated hoses carefully and do not place a garden right next to the outlet.
Step 11 (Optional): If you are afraid that the whole system can tip over - it can be fastened with nails, screws or staples to the window sill. If the plants do not have enough natural light, you can use artificial lighting. Need one fluorescent 100W. fluorescent lamp for lighting 12 cm of each plant.
Step 12 (Optional): If air bubbles created by the rising noise bothers you, then it requires an empty jar out of vitamins or medication. With a knife, make a few small holes in the bottom of the jar, so that through them can pass water. The cover parison cut hole diameter such that the lid can be inserted into the hose. Wearing a silencer on the tube gently insert it into the bottle, so as not to damage the plant
Window Garden - a vertical hydroponic system that allows for a whole year to grow plants on virtually any screen. Due to the design, plants use sunlight coming through the window, the room warm and organic "liquid soil." Root systems are growing very tight, so the farm does not take up much space.
The result - the harvest year-round, organic food, saving money plus psychotherapy.
Nutrient-rich water with the air pump is supplied from a tank located at the bottom to the very top of the system. From there it goes down the roots down. Nutrients and water were not digested, collected in the reservoir and then re-directed by the air pump to the plants. Supply system is fully automated. It is easy to configure and does not require much power. If desired, it can be switched on and off by a timer, because for most of the plants will be sufficient if the system will work for fifteen minutes in an hour. Thanks to the constant water circulation system suitable for use of liquid organic nutrients.
Kale - a rich source of iron. Little-known in the Russian variant of cabbage, cabbage head is not formed. In the food consumed leaves, often with curly fringe. The leaves of some species are green, and then it is called gryunkol, while the other leaves purple hues, then it is called kale. Kale can really spice up your farm in a different color. Sun-loving, prefers high humidity.
Lettuce is rapidly losing the nutrients and taste after his pluck from the plant, so the sooner it is used in the preparation of food, the better. Lettuce source of many valuable substances, especially vitamins B1, B2, B6, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP and E. Solntselyubiv, prefer high humidity.
Strawberries. For growing on a window farm is very suitable remontant grade. They can provide a continuous harvest throughout the year. First remontant varieties produce berries after 1,5 - 2 months after planting. For the formation of berry bushes must be artificially pollinated. It's enough to shake the plant or sometimes carry pollen brush. Light-requiring, prefers moderate humidity.
Basil can grow to gigantic proportions. The ancient Romans believed basil symbol of fertility, love, and family well-being. Prefers moderate light and high humidity.
Chamomile flowers will add to your garden, and you will get a fragrant tea from its leaves. He likes a moderate or strong sunlight. Prefers low or high humidity.
Herb Stevia or honey is used as a natural sweetener. He likes a moderate or strong sunlight, prefers high humidity.
Peas are easy to grow, fast growing and pleasant to the taste. His views and the fruits of pleasure for you and your children. And its fine for its varieties of colorful flowers will delight your eyes. Prefers moderate sunlight and moisture.
Sage - fragrant plant is often used in cooking. Some home farmers dried sage and make incense. Solntselyubiv, prefers a small or moderate watering
Dill - one of the easiest plants to grow. Solntselyubiv, prefers moderate to high humidity.
Watercress growing fast - just two weeks after planting, you can use it for cooking. It grows well even in low sunlight, prefers moderate to high humidity.
Leaf beet or chard. This plant is rich in nutrients, easy to grow and with the bright cheerful colors stems add to the window and vitamins farm to your table. He likes a moderate or strong sunlight, as well as moderate to high humidity.
Pumpkin. It is better to plant a plant after you've already got some experience of growing plants. It can grow to a relatively large size, however it will take several months. Sun-loving, prefers moderate humidity.
Instructions for making a simple window farm.
For the manufacture of the simplest and cheapest vertical farm, consisting of only one column will take about an hour.
Materials needed:
You can find a home:
* 3 plastic bottles of 1.5 liters
* 1 plastic bottle for 5 liters
* Roll of twine
* Nail or screw
* Duct tape, paint or thick cloth
* Large cable tie
* Water
* 3 plants with purified from the ground roots or seeds
Need to buy a sports shop:
* Two air needle - the pump / pump adapter
Need to buy a home appliance store:
* 1 reinforced hose - outside diameter of 9.5 mm, internal diameter 6.35 mm
* 2 vinyl hose - outside diameter of 6.35 mm, internal diameter 3.17 mm
* 1 Hose - outer diameter 9.5 mm, internal diameter 6.35 mm
* Rod length of 1 meter
* Roll of plumbing tape
Need to buy in the store, which specializes in the sale of hydroponic goods:
* 3 pot for hydroponic systems with a diameter 7.5 cm
* 3 cubes of rock wool to support the planted trees
* 5 liters of filler of large clay granules for potted plants
* 1 p. bottle of nutrients for plants
Need to buy a pet store:
* 2 sides of the aquarium air pump 400 liters. with two one-way air valves
* Paint a knife or scissors
* Paper cut-out stencil
* Marker
Step 1: Gather all the necessary items to make a farm.
Step 2: Using the cover of one of the bottles 1.5 liters as a stencil, draw a marker in the center of the bottom of each bottle 1.5 liters circle, and then use a paint knife, carefully cut it in each of the three bottles.

Step 3: Print out the last page of the document here. There draw a circle that needs to be cut and used as a stencil. Apply it on the bottom (just below the center of an imaginary bottle) of each of the bottles and outlining marker, cut with a knife paint, the resulting circle on each of the three bottles.
Step 4: Now it is necessary to cut a hole in a 5 l. bottle out of the water. Take a cup and, having drawn with the help of her circle, cut it to the top of the bottle, as shown in the figure.

Step 5: The upper part of polutoralitrovye bottle, which has now become its bottom, shut off sunlight to the roots of the plants were not involved in photosynthesis. For this purpose, you can use paint, a thick cloth or opaque tape (we recommend the latter). Wrap it around the bottle neck, and from about the middle.
Step 6: Once you've wrapped all the bottles, they can begin to connect with each other by means of slotted holes earlier - insert the neck of a bottle into another cut hole, the neck of which, in turn, insert the cut hole in the bottom of the third. Using a long cable tie fasten the resulting structure of the three polutoralitrovye bottles, rods (1 m) and a rubber air hose 1 meter 40 cm and an inner diameter of 9.5 mm.

Step 7: Now you need to connect the pump to the air hose. To do this, we need to insert in our two air hose needle. For this purpose, both sides of the hose departing 6.5 cm from the bottom, it is necessary to make holes, then to introduce the air therethrough needles in step 8.
Step 8: Cut the hose adapter and pump to the required length (see the list of materials needed). Put the hose adapters for the hoses to the pump half, as shown in the figure. Then, insert the hose adapters air needle, pre-wound their bases plumbing tape that they are firmly in the tube adapter. To improve the seal section you can wrap the joints hoses additional layer germolenty. After this, insert the needle into the air air tube and attach it with cable ties to the bar.
Make sure that the air inlet pipe straight down, and she runs parallel to the rod. If the air tube begins to curl, use the optional cable tie to secure it. Ideally, the entire pipe shall be so fixed vertically straight, as far as possible. Cut the bottom tip of the tube at an angle as shown in the figure, the water is better absorbed into the tube. Then, insert the rod together with the hoses and a ventilation pipe to 5 liter bottle (the tank) and make sure the very bottom of the neck attached to the rod polutoralitrovye bottles went into the neck of the tank.

Step 9: Now fold the upper tip of the air tube and insert it into the bottom of a cut in the top polutoralitrovye bottle opening. Make sure that the air tube hole straight down. Now attach the tubing to the air pump. Then fill the tank with water to test the system. When you turn on the pump small amounts of water have to start up the air tube to the top polutoralitrovye bottle and then flow down into the tank through a system of nested bottles. After making sure that the system works, you can pour the solution into the reservoir of nutrients.
Nutrient reservoir should be filled as otherwise air will not circulate in the system. If you want to use a different size of the tank container - make sure it is deep enough.
Step 10: Place the plants in pots covered with a filler for hydroponic systems. You can use, as we have grown in the soil, young plants, previously thoroughly cleansed their roots from the soil and dirt that can clog your system, or to plant seeds and grow a plant directly into the hydroponic system. If you plant seeds, during the first week passed through the system clean water without nutrients. If you have already planted mature plants - leave them on the first few days in a dark room, then they will find it easier to recover from the transplant, and their root systems are easier to adapt to new conditions. Place the pots with plants in the cut you in every bottle opening. Then turn the system so that in plants the incident solar light and turn the pump. Setting your mini garden on the window over.
Water and electricity - are incompatible. Before you start a garden, make sure that all joints are insulated hoses carefully and do not place a garden right next to the outlet.

Step 12 (Optional): If air bubbles created by the rising noise bothers you, then it requires an empty jar out of vitamins or medication. With a knife, make a few small holes in the bottom of the jar, so that through them can pass water. The cover parison cut hole diameter such that the lid can be inserted into the hose. Wearing a silencer on the tube gently insert it into the bottle, so as not to damage the plant