mini herb garden Peppers

mini herb garden Peppers



Peppers - these are the earliest vegetables. At home, the peppers are very easy to grow as they have you constantly supervised. Ornamental peppers on the box, you can even change colors as color peppers in different colors.
 Sowing seeds: Seeds can be sown, at the end of January, February and even early March. seed varieties, better pick for decorative cultivation.
How to plant seeds and seedlings of pepper:
Buy land (any), add to it a little peat, mullein and tchatelno mixed. For those taking the pot fall asleep in the ground and watering it. Next we take the prepared peppers and sprinkle the seeds on top, then sprinkle the ground no more than 0.2-0.3 cm and over watering produce. Whatever shoots logged in unison with the need to put on top of the pot plastic bag and put in a warm place until the seeds are not will drop the bag is not in any way you trogayte.Kogda seedlings reached up to 5 of these leaves begin its dive in different pots, one sapling.
Care pepper

After planting within 12-15 days, the plants grow slowly. To help them, we must do a shallow tillage (to improve the access of air to the root system), hold off on watering and foliar fertilizer to growth stimulant drug of the "energy" (1 vial is diluted in 5 liters of water) or drug "Bud" (10 g 8 l of water). The most favorable temperature for the growth and development of pepper - 20-32 ° C. By lowering the temperature to 15 ° C plant development is delayed, and at 10 ° C, their growth stops.

Pepper - water-loving plant. Before flowering it watered once a week. Irrigation water should always be warm (25 ° C). In no case are not watered with cold water, otherwise the plants stop growing, and the timing of flowering and fruiting pulled away. plants fed at least twice, the first time - the time of flowering - liquid manure, or other complex fertilizers such as (Agricola). The second feeding is carried out during fruiting. Pepper bushes grow well, bloom profusely, so part of the upper flowers and stepchildren have to be removed. For the formation of a compact bush with well developed lateral shoots to remove the tip of the main stem when the plant reaches a height of pepper 20-25 cm

Pinched plants will quickly vetvitsya.Iz all emerging shoots left with only the top 4-5 (laterals), and the rest are removed. On the left shoots will form the crop. In this case, on the plants of pepper leaves 20-25 fruits. You can not pinch, but extra care to remove suckers. (But you can not pinch). Inadequate pollination of flowers may be the cause of non-standard (curves) plodov.Chtoby prevent this, it is necessary to use artificial pollination of flowering plants, ie, gently shake the plant.

mini herb garden