Homeland Cuban cherries - the humid tropics of America and in our country it is found in the collections of botanical gardens and decorative indoor gardening enthusiasts. The plant is unpretentious, abundantly fruiting. Well propagated by seeds, while maintaining the hereditary characteristics. Within 5-7 months after sowing seeds bloom, and soon appear and fruits, while, however, a few.
In Russia, the plant appeared not so long ago, but in the West and America, it is grown in many New Year and Christmas, for the fact that it looks wonderful. Especially this notice in the winter, when the window blizzard
The plant is especially beautiful when on the branches at the same time and ripe fruit, and ovary, and white flowers.
Propagated it, as a rule, the seeds, but you can semilignified green cuttings. And in both cases, the soil is composed of sand, humus, sod land (1: 1: 3). At the bottom of the pot is placed drainage of pebbles, gravel or broken bricks, glass, lumps of charcoal and coarse sand. At the bottom of the pot must be several openings, to the water does not stagnate, root rot may otherwise. But Cuban cherry - water-loving plant, drying earthen coma can not be tolerated. Watered it 1 time per day, and in the summer 2-3 times. Very responsive to fertilizer plant. Fed a cherry infusion of chicken manure (1:14) and a fertilizer mixture for ornamental pot plants and type vito (dosage on the package) - once a month in the winter, summer - once every 10 days, alternating organic fertilization with mineral. In summer you can make the plant in a garden or on a balcony, loggia, on the first two weeks in partial shade to prevent leaf scorch. Cuban cherries are usually transplanted in the spring, in April - May, and every once in a larger bowl. If the plant is 2 years, you need a 2-liter pot, up to 5 years - 4.5-liter, 7-year-old bush - 6.8 liter. Young plants are transplanted each year, after five years - 1 every 2-3 years with partial replacement of soil. Plants form a better bushy, it needs to cut the ends of the shoots by about 1/4.
Cuban cherry aphid damage sometimes. To combat it was sprayed with tincture of tobacco dust, garlic or ash. The infusion of garlic can be prepared as follows: 3.2 g of crushed garlic dissolve in a glass of water and spray the plants immediately. Infusion of wood ash: 300 g of wood ash pour a liter of water, leave for 2 days and then spray the plants. Tobacco dust from: 10 g of tobacco dust pour 200 g of water and infuse two days. Diluted before spraying equal amount of water and add little soap.
In processing plants need soil in the pot cover with plastic wrap or paper.