mini herb garden - Feijoa on the windowsill

mini herb garden - Feijoa on the windowsill


The varieties of this plant very much.Some grow to a height of 3-4 m, some - from 1.7 to 2 m in the same room conditions stunted varieties grown - from 1.3 to 1.5 m (root growth is limited to the size of vessel.)The best varieties: Large-fruited, Bright, Gnarled, Crimean early, first-born, Andre, Nikita fragrant, Superba, Choyseana, Coolidge.Important biological feature of this plant - the natural shedding of ripe fruit from the bush.
Home feijoa is grown in the southern window sill, but it is best to grow them on glazed loggias and balconies at a temperature not lower than 20 degrees above zero and good light, as in low-light flower buds are not formed, and the leaves turn yellow and fall off.
If you care to take care of a plant, to comply with heat, temperature, light, humidity and soil regimes, the plants will begin to bear fruit seedlings for 3-4 years after planting.The flowers must be pollinated by transferring pollen with a cotton swab from one flower to another.Inoculate seedlings feijoa is not necessary.Fruit feijoa are circular, the size of a small drain, as well as elongated shapes and larger.When ripe, green feijoa fruit is soft, yellowish.

They are very tasty and sweet.And they are very useful in cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the thyroid gland.Feijoa flowers are large, 5-6 cm in diameter, they have white petals, edible, sweet.WateringPlants should be watered regularly, not allowing the soil to dry out, especially in the summer, when flowering, fruiting. The water temperature should be +20 ... +22 C, and even better +25, +26 degrees.In winter, watering less often.Top dressing.Fertilizing every 15 days, preferably organic fertilizers in the dissolved form.In the absence of organic mineral fertilizer use.The best of them - NPK, as it contains potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen).Fertilizer should be applied according to instructions.To plant was growing more comfortable each spring (February - March) should be repotted into a container feijoa 3-4 cm in diameter greater than the former.
