mini herb garden- strawberries
Of course you can . Such attempts have been made repeatedly . Just keep in mind that conventional varieties produce one crop per season.
What - are key conditions for success?
First of all, for the successful cultivation of the reader must focus on the following points .
Preferably use remontant varieties as early as the year of planting really get 1-1.5 kg. berries with a 15-liter container.
You can try and put a conventional strawberries, but the harvest , even with very good outlets will be small and only for the next year , provided good overwintering is possible to obtain a good harvest.
Strawberries tolerates transplant only when the plants are young . Old plants do not tolerate transplanting , and consequently , the plant should be grown directly in the container , and wherein the plant will grow during 1 to 2 years .
Thus, the fundamental difference -bearing varieties may well be realized in several crops.
Applied for a balcony culture may receive berries from early May until December .
Main .
As in any case it is difficult to The beaten one thing. A truly amazing results achieved through an integrated approach to the problem :
You can use any sort remontant, but the results of trials, yield and berry size of Elizabeth II, today remains the best
Any suitable capacity of not less than 3 liters per one plant . In standard balcony boxes planted plants at a distance of 20-25 cm in large containers (10-15 liters) planted 3-4 plants by placing them evenly over the surface. At the bottom of the container must be openings for draining excess water .
Better substrate for strawberry mixture are based on the semi-decomposed peat upland with the addition of mineral fertilizers ( feature - its reddish color and pronounced structure ) . Staunch opponents of fertilizer can make themselves substrate , based on horse neutralized peat and mixed it with dung humus or vermicompost in the ratio of 1:1.
seedlings :
Well-developed seedlings with a large bud ( heart ) with 5-6 leaves are quite suitable for planting. It can dig up from your area or purchase a safe nursery ( store).
Planting time :
Preferred the earliest planting time (March). Because seedling is really only available in mid-April , in these terms , and should be planted . Generally , it can be planted in any period of time only to be taken into account that the later planting - the lower the yield in the first year . At the same time we can not rush to grow strawberries as actively begin only in mid-May , as on the street and on the balcony still cold .
Another thing - the gazebo . It is quite suitable planting in early April.
Of course , you can cheat a little and drop nature first seedlings on the windowsill in an apartment in a pot of 0.5-0.7 liters , and in mid-May , or even at the end , transplanted to the balcony box or container in the country . By the way, this is an interesting scheme of cultivation. Because , at the end of August, many leave with cottages , and you can plant in a container grab home. And on the balcony berries will please you until December ( found that autumn berries to tolerate frost - 6 C).
Watering and fertilizing .
Strawberry demanding culture . Therefore , regular watering and fertilizing (1 every two weeks ) are needed . Dressings suitable for complex mineral fertilizer - Kemira suite. In case of refusal of fertilizer should be used in the slurry dilution 1:20 .
watering :
If you use a good substrate based on weakly decomposed peat , there are no problems with frequency and abundant watering. Excess water can easily penetrate through it and out through the drainage holes . If the substrate comprising many lowland peat and humus , then in this case , is often marked by waterlogging . Therefore, in such cases , the container is placed on a bottom drainage ( or expanded clay pebbles ) .
With peat are often other problems. If you're a little dehydrating it, water, watered from the top, and wets his bad plant suffers from lack of moisture . Good moisture restore security can only lowered the whole container in a container with water and let it get enough moisture for 2 hours ( over-dried container will float ) .
And what about the fall, as it is a miracle to save the winter?
The best way to help the plant to overwinter it - pull it together with a lump of earth and bury it in the soil at ground level and well watered . Do not forget to compact the soil around. Additional shelter used as needed.
You can try to keep the plants on the balcony. For this , as late as possible , when will come the cold -resistant and soil in the container freezes hide plant with sawdust head so that the temperature did not drop below - 5C . During the thaw is necessary to provide ventilation plants as positive temperature cause podoprevanie . Spring will come as soon as stable positive temperature in Moscow this happens in early March , should be released from the plant cover. Cover only when the outdoor temperature is 8 ° C - . Plant can be brought into the apartment and leave on the windowsill , but it can be done no sooner than 1-2 weeks before the expected date of putting the plants on the balcony , otherwise the plant will be exhausted due to lack of light .
What other features are there?
We formed strawberry mustache, which formed a rosette of leaves , and then stalks . So, if they are in a lighted area , it is possible to allow them to bear fruit . At one plant in a container can be left up to 5-6 sockets on the side whiskers . If whiskers fall within the shadow , then they must be removed or they will weaken the main plant .
The important point is to receive the first - removal stems . This is to ensure that the young plants have well developed and subsequent harvests were really plentiful.
Ensure that the spike goes beyond the capacity will not break under the weight of ripening berries. To do this, on the edge of the box under the flower spike can put a piece of foam or roll of fabric.
We have presented only highlights technology strawberry growing in container culture. Surely, you will be able to improve the technology in relation to your conditions and grow it on your balcony , along with flowers. And she will reward your patience juicy and fragrant berries. worth a try
What - are key conditions for success?
First of all, for the successful cultivation of the reader must focus on the following points .
Preferably use remontant varieties as early as the year of planting really get 1-1.5 kg. berries with a 15-liter container.
Strawberries tolerates transplant only when the plants are young . Old plants do not tolerate transplanting , and consequently , the plant should be grown directly in the container , and wherein the plant will grow during 1 to 2 years .
Thus, the fundamental difference -bearing varieties may well be realized in several crops.
Applied for a balcony culture may receive berries from early May until December .
Main .
As in any case it is difficult to The beaten one thing. A truly amazing results achieved through an integrated approach to the problem :
You can use any sort remontant, but the results of trials, yield and berry size of Elizabeth II, today remains the best
Any suitable capacity of not less than 3 liters per one plant . In standard balcony boxes planted plants at a distance of 20-25 cm in large containers (10-15 liters) planted 3-4 plants by placing them evenly over the surface. At the bottom of the container must be openings for draining excess water .
Better substrate for strawberry mixture are based on the semi-decomposed peat upland with the addition of mineral fertilizers ( feature - its reddish color and pronounced structure ) . Staunch opponents of fertilizer can make themselves substrate , based on horse neutralized peat and mixed it with dung humus or vermicompost in the ratio of 1:1.
seedlings :
Well-developed seedlings with a large bud ( heart ) with 5-6 leaves are quite suitable for planting. It can dig up from your area or purchase a safe nursery ( store).
Planting time :
Preferred the earliest planting time (March). Because seedling is really only available in mid-April , in these terms , and should be planted . Generally , it can be planted in any period of time only to be taken into account that the later planting - the lower the yield in the first year . At the same time we can not rush to grow strawberries as actively begin only in mid-May , as on the street and on the balcony still cold .
Another thing - the gazebo . It is quite suitable planting in early April.
Of course , you can cheat a little and drop nature first seedlings on the windowsill in an apartment in a pot of 0.5-0.7 liters , and in mid-May , or even at the end , transplanted to the balcony box or container in the country . By the way, this is an interesting scheme of cultivation. Because , at the end of August, many leave with cottages , and you can plant in a container grab home. And on the balcony berries will please you until December ( found that autumn berries to tolerate frost - 6 C).
Watering and fertilizing .
Strawberry demanding culture . Therefore , regular watering and fertilizing (1 every two weeks ) are needed . Dressings suitable for complex mineral fertilizer - Kemira suite. In case of refusal of fertilizer should be used in the slurry dilution 1:20 .
watering :
If you use a good substrate based on weakly decomposed peat , there are no problems with frequency and abundant watering. Excess water can easily penetrate through it and out through the drainage holes . If the substrate comprising many lowland peat and humus , then in this case , is often marked by waterlogging . Therefore, in such cases , the container is placed on a bottom drainage ( or expanded clay pebbles ) .
With peat are often other problems. If you're a little dehydrating it, water, watered from the top, and wets his bad plant suffers from lack of moisture . Good moisture restore security can only lowered the whole container in a container with water and let it get enough moisture for 2 hours ( over-dried container will float ) .
And what about the fall, as it is a miracle to save the winter?
The best way to help the plant to overwinter it - pull it together with a lump of earth and bury it in the soil at ground level and well watered . Do not forget to compact the soil around. Additional shelter used as needed.
You can try to keep the plants on the balcony. For this , as late as possible , when will come the cold -resistant and soil in the container freezes hide plant with sawdust head so that the temperature did not drop below - 5C . During the thaw is necessary to provide ventilation plants as positive temperature cause podoprevanie . Spring will come as soon as stable positive temperature in Moscow this happens in early March , should be released from the plant cover. Cover only when the outdoor temperature is 8 ° C - . Plant can be brought into the apartment and leave on the windowsill , but it can be done no sooner than 1-2 weeks before the expected date of putting the plants on the balcony , otherwise the plant will be exhausted due to lack of light .
What other features are there?
We formed strawberry mustache, which formed a rosette of leaves , and then stalks . So, if they are in a lighted area , it is possible to allow them to bear fruit . At one plant in a container can be left up to 5-6 sockets on the side whiskers . If whiskers fall within the shadow , then they must be removed or they will weaken the main plant .
The important point is to receive the first - removal stems . This is to ensure that the young plants have well developed and subsequent harvests were really plentiful.
Ensure that the spike goes beyond the capacity will not break under the weight of ripening berries. To do this, on the edge of the box under the flower spike can put a piece of foam or roll of fabric.
We have presented only highlights technology strawberry growing in container culture. Surely, you will be able to improve the technology in relation to your conditions and grow it on your balcony , along with flowers. And she will reward your patience juicy and fragrant berries. worth a try